We received the following email from the Portland Police Bureau and have been asked to share this with our community:
The Portland Police Bureau is hosting two upcoming community meetings for its Strategic Planning process we would like to share with you. The purpose of the meetings is to present the draft Police Strategic Plan framework and solicit additional feedback from the community through small group discussions. Would it be possible for you to share them with your respective neighborhoods and communities in order to provide as many folks as possible the opportunity to participate?
Police Strategic Plan Community Loopbacks
Meeting Information: Community meeting to review the draft Strategic Plan outline and solicit community feedback through small group discussions. An agenda will be posted one week prior to the event. For background information, please visit the Strategic Planning Project Page at http://www.portlandoregon.
gov/police/76886. The City of Portland is committed to providing meaningful access. To request translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, or other auxiliary aids or services, contact 503-823-0369, gabriela.bermudez@portlandoregon.gov, Relay: 711. To better serve you, three (3) business days prior to the event is preferred.
Date: Saturday, May 25th
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: East Portland Community Center, 740 SE 106th Ave, Portland, OR 97216
Date: Thursday, May 30th
Time: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Location: Terrell Hall Rm 206, PCC Cascade Campus, 5624 N Borthwick Ave, Portland, OR 97217