Southeast Portland Stands Together Fliers
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Emergency Preparedness
This list of helpful emergency preparedness resources will be continuously updated.
Emergency Preparedness at Home (PDF)
A guide for how to prepare your home and family for an emergency, including information on how to assemble an emergency kit, a communication plan, and more.
Prep 101: An Introduction to Getting Prepared (PDF)
An easy-to-digest graphic guide for how to start preparing for emergencies.
Preparation Resources: City of Portland
Resources from the City of Portland Bureau of Emergency Management.
Earthquake Preparedness: City of Portland
The Bureau of Emergency Management’s Earthquake Preparedness page.
Multnomah County Office of Emergency Management
A one-stop resource for Multnomah County’s emergency resources, including activation level information, community resources, and more.
PREP Oregon (PREP)
Practical information on getting ready for any potential emergency, from storms and power outages to floods and earthquakes.
Sign up for Public Alerts: Portland and Multnomah County
PublicAlerts sends landline phone, mobile phone, text, and email alerts to Multnomah County residents.
Earthquake Resiliency: City Club of Portland
The City Club’s Earthquake Resiliency Report, which outlines how the city can bounce back after a major earthquake.
Countertop Gravity Water Filters: Which is Best?
Shopping for a countertop water purification filter? Gravity water filters can purify your drinking water in case the city’s water system is damaged due to a natural disaster, like an earthquake. This guide walks you through the at-home gravity water filter options.
Traffic Calming
Want to slow traffic on your street? Sign the VISION ZERO Safety Pledge and the city will loan your residence or business a free “Slow Down” sign. Fill out the yard sign order form here. For more information contact Sharon White, Pedestrian Safety Outreach and Education, 823-SAFE Traffic Safety and Neighborhood Livability Hot Line, 1120 SW 5th Ave, Suite 800, Portland OR, 97204 Phone: (503) 823-7100, Sharon.White@portlandoregon.
Alley Improvement
This archive was hatched from documents and resources made and found in work related to the Portland Oregon Beech-Failing Alley Project (BFAP, originally called the Albina Homestead Alley Project).
Other Links:
- Southeast Uplift:
- Foster Area Business Association:
- Foster Road Streetscape:
- 82nd Avenue Improvement Coalition:
- Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association:
- Mt. Scott Arleta Neighborhood Association:
- South Tabor Neighborhood Association:
- Lents Neighborhood Association:
- Neighborhood demographics from 2000 and 2010:
- Current land use applications in our neighborhood:
- Decisions on land use applications: