The Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association is an all-volunteer group, and we are always looking for more volunteers! Some examples of ways you can help:

Cooking Meals for Shelters
Want to get started volunteering at the new shelters in Foster-Powell? The FPNA is helping organize a group of community volunteers to cook and serve food for about 250 people every month! Go to this page for more information.

Shelter Meal Coordinator
Help maintain our Shelter Meal program by coordinating our monthly Laurelwood shelter meal. An FPNA volunteer works with a representative from the shelter and coordinates our neighborhood cooks and drivers to ensure a smooth dinner delivery.

Firland Parkway Path Project
Funded by America Walks, this project will bring a walking path to the undeveloped right-of-way between the north- and south-bound lanes of SE 72nd Ave from SE Holgate Blvd to and SE Foster Blvd. For the latest information on the project, go to its Facebook page, or contact us if you’d like to volunteer.

Neighborhood Cleanup Crew
Do you have an interest in pitching in to help clean up your neighborhood? Tired of seeing trash floating around our streets? Then let’s do something about it together! See this post for more details.

Foster-Powell Community Garden
The garden is looking for regular volunteers to help with upkeep and maintenance. Contact Emily at

National Night Out
We need volunteers to help put on the BIGGEST event of the year. Can you help distribute flyers? Pickup raffle prizes? Help with setup? Great! Contact us and we’ll get you connected with our organizers.

Other Existing Events
Do you like planning events? Do you enjoy the yearly Neighborhood Cleanup, Paint the Town Green! Graffiti and Litter Cleanup, Foster-Powell Garden Tour, National Night Out party, and others? These events are organized by your all-volunteer neighborhood association, and we can always use more helping hands!

Board member
Are you interested in a longer-term opportunity? Consider joining the board!

Let’s Talk!

Contact us to talk about any of these opportunities. You can also attend our monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30p to see what we have going on!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carrie Boatwright

    I am interested in being on the agenda to talk about the need for foster parents and other ways anyone interested can help even if they cannot be a foster parent. I work for the State of Oregon, born and raised here and have lived in FOPO for 20 years. Thank you. Carrie

    1. Sean McClintock

      Hi Carrie! I’ve sent you an email about this request. In the future, please email for agenda requests. Thanks!

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