Support Foster-Powell When You Shop at Fred Meyer!

fred-meyer-community-rewardsYou can now support the Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association when you shop at Fred Meyer and use your Fred Meyer Rewards Card! You’ll still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points and Rebates, just as you do today — the only difference is that each quarter, Foster-Powell Neighborhood will receive a donation from Fred Meyer to use for future neighborhood events and other programs that strengthen our community.

Even if you have enrolled in the past, every July 1st you need to re-enroll your rewards card to support our neighborhood association.

To setup your rewards card to begin earning donations for Foster-Powell — or to renew your selection — take the following actions:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with your Rewards Card login information
  3. Search for us by typing in the name “Foster Powell / SEUPlift _N’hood Coalition” or by our non-profit number #91557
  4. Follow the rest of the prompts to begin saving money and earning donations for Foster-Powell!

Don’t have a Rewards Card? Get one at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store.

For more information, please visit

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