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Expense Reimbursement

If you have expenses associated to FPNA-approved activities and you would like reimbursement, please follow these directions:

  • Click this link to open a page that asks you to “Make a copy” of the FPNA Expense Reimbursement Form.
  • Fill out the fields of the form, including a detailed list of all of your expenses.
  • In the File menu, select Download > PDF and save the form to your computer/device.
  • Finally, email the form PDF you downloaded in the step above as well as the pictures of your receipts to treasurer@fosterpowell.com

Expenses of less than $50 that fall under a pre-approved budget item do not need to be discussed and voted on by the Board. If your expense exceeds $50 or is not covered by an already-approved budget, then you will be asked to attend the next monthly meeting to seek approval for the expense. However, ideally any expenditures would have already been discussed at a meeting and approved before a purchase is made.