Say “Hi” to Your New Foster-Powell Board!

On Monday, May 9th, Foster-Powell held elections for 2016-2017 Leadership. It did not disappoint; we hope you had a chance to attend and vote!

Won’t ya be our neighbor? #fosterpowell #fopo #neighborlove

A photo posted by Foster burger (@fosterburgerpdx) on

A few election highlights:

    • Your Board is fully accounted for! From new blood to seasoned volunteers, your newly elected Board has plenty of talent to pull from. There’s a new Co-Chair, Secretary, Transportation Chair and Secretary in town! Feel free to say “hi” to each at our next meeting on Monday, June 13th.
    • Communications, communications, communications. Not only did we welcome a new Communications Delegate (hi, Ellie!), but we have a full-fledged Communications Committee in the works. Stay tuned for meeting dates and times!

  • The Foster-Powell Garden Tour, National Night Out (August 2nd at Kern Park), Movie in the Park (July 27th at Essex Park)…there’s so many awesome events coming up this summer (not counting the recurring Foster-Powell Clean Ups). Learn how to get involved and how to take advantage of these free, family-friendly get-togethers on our Facebook page.

For a full list of your current 2016-2017 Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association Leadership, click here.

Get involved with the Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association

Whether you live, work or own property in the boundaries of the Foster-Powell Neighborhood, you’re eligible to join!

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month (except August) at Foster Burger at 5339 SE Foster Rd, Portland from 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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