Funded by America Walks, this project will bring a walking path to the undeveloped right-of-way between the north- and south-bound lanes of SE 72nd Ave from SE Holgate Blvd to and SE Foster Blvd.

For the latest information on the project, go to its Facebook page.

Current Status

As of 15-April-2019, we are in the design phase of the project. This is where we could use your help! Please vote below for which design you prefer. Focus on usability of the path. Think about it from the perspective of standing on the ground in the Firland Parkway… which sort of path would you rather walk on?

If you’d like to volunteer to help with the project, complete the additional fields with your contact information. Just as your Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association is an ALL-VOLUNTEER organization, so is this project! It takes helping hands like yours to make great things happen in our neighborhood.

Curvy Path
Straight Path