We did it! Our community came together and made this mural happen! Many thanks to all of the people and organizations involved, all of those who donated money and/or their time, and an especially big THANKS goes to Ellie Russell. Ellie had the idea for this mural and spearheaded the project. Without her tireless efforts, this mural would not have happened.
Essex Park Gets New ‘Mindfulness’ Mural, by Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC)
RACC provided the project with funds matching the amount we fundraised!
Timelapse video of mural painting
You can find more videos and photos of the project on the Essex Park Mindful Mural Project Facebook page.
This project was sponsored by your all-volunteer Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association. If you would like to get involved with your local community and contribute to fun projects like this, join us at a monthly meeting!