East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District Offers Free Workshops

The East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District offers free workshops, about which they say: “Discover ways to save time, money and energy on your property through our FREE workshops. From naturescaping to livestock management, our classes help you care for your land in ways that benefit people, water and wildlife.”

Below is a small selection of workshops that you can attend within SE Portland. See their website for full details and a list of all workshops that they offer.

Attracting Pollinators to the Urban Garden

Learn about the bees, flies, beetles, moths and butterflies that provide vital pollination services in urban gardens, and discover which plants can help attract and support them. We will go beyond the bloom so you can find out how to provide water, shelter, nesting, and overwintering sites. Register online or call 503-222-7645 for more information.

  • Sun, Oct. 7 (1-3:30pm) @ Southeast Uplift (map)
  • Sun, Nov. 18 (1-3:30pm) @ OMSI Parker Room (map)

Rain Gardens 101

Learn how rain gardens add beauty and color to your yard while helping restore the health of urban streams at the same time. You will get step-by-step details on how to plan, design and build your own rain garden. Where possible, workshop includes a short tour of a nearby rain garden. Register online or call 503-222-7645 for more information.

  • Sun, Oct. 14 (1-5pm) @ Southeast Uplift (map)

Creating an Edible Landscape 

This workshop will give you insight and tools for thoughtfully incorporating edible plants into your landscape – from annual veggies and herbs to perennial berries and fruit trees. Register online or call 503-222-7645 for more information.

  • Sun, Dec. 9 (1-3:30pm) @ OMSI Parker Room (map)

Native Plants

Explore the benefits of gardening with Native plants. Discover Portland’s most common native plant communities, learn which species do well in similar growing conditions, and get tips to help them thrive. Register online or call 503-222-7645 for more information.

  • Sat, Nov. 3 (9:30am-12pm) @ Trinity United Methodist Church (map)

Beneficial Insects

Meet the beetles, bugs, flies, lacewings and other invertebrates that provide free pest control. You will discover ways to attract and sustain these friendly beneficial insects that help your garden thrive. Register online or call 503-222-7645 for more information.

  • Sat, Nov. 10 (9-11:30am) @ Quaker Meetinghouse Social Hall (map)

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