Elections are coming!

Ever wonder how great things happen in our neighborhood?

Yes, we mean the Foster-Powell community garden, Foster-Powell garden tour, National Night Out event, movies and concerts in the park, and advocating for key projects like the Foster Streetscape Plan—and no, the list doesn’t end there! Your Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association has been hard at work ensuring that our neighborhood is thriving.

On our upcoming election night we want to celebrate living, loving, working, and battling alongside one another! We’d love the opportunity to share a beer, tell you about our past accomplishments, our hopes for the future of our neighborhood and ultimately extend an invitation to you to get involved in big or small ways.

Help us as a neighbor* by joining us on Monday, May 11 at 6:30pm and voting in our new leadership. Even if you haven’t been to a meeting before we feel that it is important to involve as many neighbors as possible in the selection of our board members. Not only will you play an important role in our elections, you’ll also be privy to insider information; getting the scoop on what’s happening in the neighborhood and across the city.

Interested in getting your hands dirty and being a part of the month-to-month decision making? Then board or committee service might be for you. Feel free to join in the conversation and ask questions of current board members. Or, if you’re ready to get to work, step on up and offer to fill one of our vacant seats—we’d love to have you on the board! We will be electing new members to fill the position of Co-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

If you have ever spent time volunteering, you know that it takes all kinds of hard working and dedicated people to make things happen. Projects don’t complete themselves, issues don’t advocate for themselves, art doesn’t magically appear—people are the driving force. The same is true for our neighborhood, only in this case neighbors must be the driving force!

Thank you!

Li Alligood, Chair, Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association

 *Neighboring isn’t just for residents; if you work or own property in Foster-Powell we consider you a neighbor, too!

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