Help Create a New Kellogg Middle School

Portland Public Schools is moving forward with the design and construction of a new Kellogg Middle School and is seeking public input how it should be designed. Your help is needed in recommending and encouraging neighborhood leaders and affected residents to join the Kellogg Design Advisory Group (DAG). Although the feeder path and school boundaries for the new Kellogg Middle School have not been set, all nearby communities are invited to participate in the design process.

The Design Advisory Group Mission

Map of Kellogg Middle School and nearby neighborhoodsThe goal of the Kellogg DAG is to develop comprehensive, equitable, integrated and visionary middle school campus master plans and schematic designs with authentic school community engagement. The DAG will consist of a group of parent, teacher, student, and community stakeholder representatives who will be involved in the development of the design of the new Kellogg Middle School. The DAG will include at least one member representing each of the following stakeholder groups:

  • middle school parents
  • neighborhood parents
  • neighborhood associations
  • business associations
  • school program
  • potential site and/or capital partners
  • students
  • teachers
  • the City of Portland
  • A school board representative

DAG members will be expected to serve for several months throughout the planning process.

How will the DAG impact Kellogg Middle School Boundary Discussions?

The Kellogg DAG will be limited to the planning and design of a new middle school and will not address the district’s separate and ongoing boundary discussions and decisions. That is a separate process not connected to the rebuild. Therefore boundary decisions will not be discussed at the DAG meetings.

How to Get Apply and Get Involved

People who are interested may download an application at and join the Kellogg project mailing list at For those unable to join the DAG, there will be an opportunity to collect input at an upcoming Kellogg Public Design Workshop.

For more information, visit the project website at


Deadline for Community applications is Oct. 13, 2017. Seven meetings are scheduled starting on Oct. 26th, 2017 and completing by the first of April, 2018. Completed applications are due by Oct. 13th.

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