Commissioner Jessica Vega-Pederson Hosts a Constituent Coffee

On Saturday 29-June, Commissioner Jessica Vega-Pederson hosted a discussion with her constituents at the Holgate library.

See the video below for Commissioner Pederson discussing the gap between revenue and expenses due to increasing costs and artificially-constrained property tax revenue. A constituent also asked Pederson about the family shelter Lilac Meadows and presents her analysis of the cost of housing a family, which she estimated to be around $3,000 per month.

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Portland Parks Foundation is Seeking Nominations for a Parks Champion!

Know someone who’s been a champion for Portland parks? The Portland Parks Foundation wants to recognize their service to a park, community center, natural area, or community garden. They will make a grant of $1,500 on behalf of the winner to a community organization that aligns with our mission. You have until Friday, September 7th to nominate!

Click here to submit a nomination.

You may also want to consider joining as a member, or donating directly, to the Portland Parks Foundation to support the wonderful work they do for all of us!

Continue ReadingPortland Parks Foundation is Seeking Nominations for a Parks Champion!