We received the following information from the Environmental Services Tree Program —
The City of Portland Environmental Services (BES) tree program is planning a tree planting project on the south side of Powell from SE 53rd to SE 79th. The planting areas will be between the curb line and the sound walls, all in City right-of-way. See the maps at bottom of this article.
The program’s main goal is to help manage stormwater with trees, but also focuses on reducing urban heat and improving air quality. For this particular project, creating a visual and physical barrier between Powell and the adjacent residential areas is also a main goal.
The project will plant primarily evergreen conifers to maximize year-round benefits and to minimize tree canopy from overhanging adjacent properties (conifers having upright form). Species selected will be heat and drought tolerant and low maintenance so that they perform well over the years ahead.
Notices will be delivered to adjacent properties to let them know about the project. Planting will likely be between late March and late April. The trees will be maintained (watered, mulched, pruned) by BES contractors for four summers, at which point they will be well established to continue on their own without additional watering.
Please contact the program if you have any questions about this project.
Environmental Services Tree Program