Are you going through a neighborhood conflict? Get help with Resolutions Northwest.

Recently, Foster-Powell neighbor Amy reached out to us to share a great resource for people going through neighborhood conflicts. Here’s what she had to say:

Neighborhood relations can be awesome, and sometimes, stressful.

Resolutions Northwest logoDid you know that Portland residents are able to access a free, yes FREE, mediation service for many conflicts? A local nonprofit called Resolutions Northwest has a Neighborhood Mediation Program that can assist you with conflicts between neighbors, roommates, landlord/tenant, or resident/business. You can learn more at

I was trained with Resolutions Northwest and have been serving in a cohort of volunteer mediators for this program since January and we are trying to get the word out to our fellow Portlanders! As your neighbor here in Foster-Powell, I wanted to make sure you know about this valuable resource. Please share with groups you are involved with so more people learn about this free service.

Thank you, Amy!

Resolutions Northwest is a partner with our neighborhood coalition Southeast Uplift. Along with Neighborhood Mediation, they provide a full menu of interactive and engaging workshops available to anyone who’s interested in learning about conflict resolution, communication, mediation, facilitation, diversity and equity.

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