April 12 Meeting Agenda is here!


Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association (FPNA) General Meeting
Monday, April 14, 2014
Bar Carlo, 6433 SE Foster Road

6:30-6:35     Meet and Greet

6:35-6:40     Welcome and introductions

6:40-6:40     Minutes (March 10, 2014, General Meeting)

6:40-6:55     Brad Taylor, ONI Crime Prevention Office*

6:55-7:05     Jonah Majure, Chief Petitioner, People’s Water Trust

7:05-7:20     Jim Labbe, Audobon Society (opposes measure), and Floy Jones (co-petitioner of measure) to discuss Measure 26-156**

7:20-7:25     Ashe Urban, SEUL – May Board Elections

7:25-7:35     Committee Reports (Communications, Foster-Powell Community Garden)

7:35-7:50     Representative reports (Land Use, Transportation, Treasurer, Foster Green EcoDistrict, Foster Streetscape Plan, Library)

7:50-8:00     General Business, open discussion
*  We have limited time at this meeting to discuss the formation of a Neighborhood Watch, but this will be a good opportunity to set up another meeting with Brad if you have a group that is interested in starting or reviving a Neighborhood Watch program.

** We also have limited time for this agenda item, and the presenters will probably not be able to answer all of your questions. If you would like a more in-depth discussion about Measure 26-156, we encourage you to attend a forum on the measure on April 10, hosted by Buckman Community Association. See “Upcoming Events” above for more information.

AGENDA ITEM SUBMISSION DEADLINE: If you wish to place an item on the agenda please e-mail the information and requested amount of time to Li at lialligood@gmail.com at least ONE WEEK before the scheduled FPNA meeting.

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