Your Foster-Powell neighbors are organizing a Street Tree Celebration Tour for this coming September!
What is a Street Tree Celebration Tour?
It’s an opportunity to highlight interesting street trees throughout the Foster-Powell neighborhood and to get our neighbors interested in planting their own street trees.
I have a street tree! What is involved?
If you have a street tree that you would like to feature on the tour, contact
You will tie a ribbon around your tree and attach a note with information. The following is a list of possible information to include in the note and is not required:
- tree species and common name
- who planted the tree and when
- why the tree is loved and appreciated
- a poem or ode to the tree
- or anything you think would interest tour goers!
We will also be asking participants to hang Friends of Trees door hangers from the ribbons. The door hangers include information about how to sign up to receive a street tree from FoT.
What if I just want to take the tour?
We’ll be publishing a street tree scavenger hunt with prizes! More information to come as we finalize the details of the tour.
UPDATE: The City of Portland did not provide funding the Friends of Trees for this coming year. We will likely not be able to do this Street Tree Drive due to their lack of funding.
We are also organizing a Street Tree Drive coming this October!
What is a Street Tree Drive?
Volunteers will be knocking on neighbors doors to provide information about Friends of Trees and the opportunity to get a street tree for their property.
Which streets are involved in the Street Tree Drive?
Currently we have Street Tree Captains for Holgate Blvd and 72nd Ave. If you would like to be a Captain for your street, let us know at
Why are street trees important?
Street trees have been proven to calm traffic — reducing speeding, dangerous driving, and collisions. More street trees along our paved areas will also help to mitigate climate change, providing shade and reducing heat, retaining rainwater, and cleaning the air. Street trees have been found to reduce air pollution by 50% for people living on the street, and studies have also shown that just looking at trees makes people feel happier and calmer.
How can I help?
We need help canvassing to sign more people up for street trees. If you would like to help, please email and tell us that you are up for knocking on doors to get more trees in the ground this winter.