The Foster-Powell street tree inventory was completed on September 2014. Thanks to all of the volunteers who dedicated a Saturday morning to help out!
Why do a tree inventory?
- Identify gaps in the neighborhood’s tree canopy
- Advocate for street trees on Foster Road
- Create a Neighborhood Tree Plan that will allow us to apply for grants to increase tree canopy in the area
- Get to know your neighbors!
Foster-Powell Tree Inventory Results
Now that the tree inventory has been completed, it’s time to explore the results of the inventory and next steps.
- Inventory Report (PDF)
- Tree Map (PDF)
- Tree Plan (PDF)
- Inventory Data (Microsoft Excel file; download will begin on you click the link)
A large map of the Foster-Powell Tree Inventory is available for viewing at the Holgate Library during regular business hours.
How can I get more information?
If you have questions or want to be added to our e-mail list, contact
Find out more about the Portland Parks and Recreation Tree Inventory Project at